Dec 31, 2017
As we prepare to close out 2017 and launch into a new year, I want to give you a new years resolution that could completely change your life in 2018.  This won’t be easy, but it’s a strategy, provided by Jesus, which helps deal with one of the most difficult issues in many people’s lives - forgiveness.  
  • Dec 31, 2017Forgiveness
    Dec 31, 2017
    As we prepare to close out 2017 and launch into a new year, I want to give you a new years resolution that could completely change your life in 2018.  This won’t be easy, but it’s a strategy, provided by Jesus, which helps deal with one of the most difficult issues in many people’s lives - forgiveness.  
  • Dec 24, 2017Son of Man
    Dec 24, 2017
    Son of Man

    This Sunday we’re going to be looking at the most popular title Jesus used to describe Himself and the confusion that created among his followers.  We’ll also look at how Jesus cleverly redefined what this title actually meant.  

  • Dec 17, 2017Jesus
    Dec 17, 2017
    Today we’re exploring the most used name for our Lord, “Jesus”. It was a very commonly used name at that time, but for good reason.
  • Dec 10, 2017The Way
    Dec 10, 2017
    The Way
    What would you say is the most controversial thing that Jesus said? In our current society that prides itself on relative truth and tolerance of everyone’s opinions and beliefs - the title that Jesus claimed for himself, that we’re going to be exploring this morning, can be polarizing. And Christians that repeat this claim of Jesus are often labeled as narrow minded and bigoted.
  • Dec 3, 2017Immanuel
    Dec 3, 2017
    Leading up to Christmas we’ll be focusing on the various names and titles of Jesus.  Today our focus comes out of a prophecy that God gave to King Ahaz.  It appears that it wasn’t very meaningful or wanted to King Ahaz but it should be very meaningful for everyone else, because it promises that God is with us, wherever and whenever. 
  • Nov 26, 2017Names of Jesus #1
    Nov 26, 2017
    Names of Jesus #1
    Today we begin a new series leading us up to the celebration of Christ’s birth.  In this series we’re going to be discovering anew many of the names, titles and descriptions used for Jesus.  And today as an introduction to this series we’re going to be looking at the very common practice of ending our prayers with, “In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”  Is this just a good spiritual way to end a prayer or is there more to it than that?
  • Nov 19, 2017Thanksgiving 2017
    Nov 19, 2017
    Thanksgiving 2017
    Series: Special Days
    In today’s sermon I’m spring boarding off the theme for our worship service today which is the Hebrew word towdah, which carries the idea of reaching out to God and thanking and praising God prior to Him doing something for us.  That’s a powerful theme, not only for worship but also for developing a life style of thanksgiving.  I think you’ll find this sermon not only informative but hopefully also transformative as you prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving later this week.
  • Nov 12, 2017Mission Sunday 2017
    Nov 12, 2017
    Mission Sunday 2017
    Series: Special Days
    this Sunday is our annual Faith Promise Sunday where we focus on the various missions we support.  Today’s sermon focuses on the proper motivation for both evangelism and missions.  it should never be merely a strategic way to grow a church or even to tell people about Jesus Christ.  First and foremost it ought to be the overflow of an individual’s love for God and His love overflowing through them.  
  • Nov 5, 2017Titus 3:9-15
    Nov 5, 2017
    Titus 3:9-15
    Series: Titus
    Today we wrap up our study of the letter Paul wrote to Titus.  And as Paul wraps up this letter he addresses a subject that most churches and individuals are quite uncomfortable dealing with - confronting individuals who are causing division within the church.  Most of us shy away from confrontation but in today’s sermon we explore why its essential that we directly confront divisive individuals, with love, because of what’s at stake is too high to ignore.
  • Oct 30, 2017Titus 3:3-8
    Oct 30, 2017
    Titus 3:3-8
    Series: Titus
    Today’s text is the spiritual version of the popular TV show, Flea Market Flip.  It shows how God takes each of us, wherever we are in our attitude toward God, and spares no effort to clear all hurdles to returning back to God and the life He calls us to live.  We often have the misperception that the life of walking with God is all on us, however in this sermon and text, Paul shows us how it’s really about God’s initial work and sacrifice and our response.