Children’s Ministry

Each Sunday morning, children can participate in Junior Church. Teaching the Gospel to our young is vital to setting a good foundation for them.
Each week we navigate through the bible with new and relevant lessons and material. See below for current 2022 Curriculum Series and dates.
2022 Children’s Ministry Junior Church Curriculum:
March 6-April 10th

Fall/winter Sunday School classes will be at 8:45am and we get into the Word and teach, offer related crafts, songs and videos. During the Worship Service and Sermon we offer Junior Church for K-6th grade in our “YES Center” (Building with red awning behind the church). And there is a infant-toddler nursery available in the lower level of the church building.
Helpers for Children’s Church:
During portions of our morning worship service we offer an age appropriate interactive learning time over in the YES Center for children. Our leaders are constantly in need of helpers over there. They would be assisting the leaders with crafts, worship and just general helping our students learn in a safe and welcoming environment.